
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New improved!!

New improved, is it? really?

Today I was at the food bazaar and had gone to buy a dettol soap .. I found the green covered original dettol but there were other yellow and pink dettols with new improved written on it .. my husband picked it up and said it must be better,, it has new improved wirtten on it..

I am not sure if at all it is.. the original is like the vanilla ice cream, the others are just variants but nothing can beat the basic quality and taste of vanilla. more so it can be used with a brownie, or fruits or a coke!
can you do that with any other flavour?

Earlier people used the word new when there was something really new about any product but now they use the term and attached an "improved" to it only to make it more saleable and appealing to the masses.
Am not blaming them though, they are doing what the masses really make them do..
if new improved catches the eyeballs and sells , so be it!

Picture from here and here

1 comment:

  1. This is new improved " venkhat" i am sure my wife would like the original one .
